What Can You Do to Help a Senior Battling Mental Illness?

Mental health issues are startlingly common for older adults. According to the World Health Organization, about 15 percent of adults over the age of 60 battle mental health issues.


Homecare in Avon IN: Seniors Battling Mental Illness

Homecare in Avon IN: Seniors Battling Mental Illness


Keep a Current List of All Medications and Other Important Information

It’s always a good idea to have a list of current medications and other pertinent health information, but it’s especially important with mental health concerns. If your senior is taking medications for mental health conditions, it can take a while to tweak those dosages. Those medications can sometimes also interfere with the ones she’s already taking.


Learn about Mental Health Medications and Side Effects

Speaking of those side effects, you need to know what they might be. Different medications have different impacts on everyone. Sometimes it can take more than a few dose changes to get the medication working properly for your senior, too. The more you know and understand about this process, the more you can help your senior.


Consolidate All Prescriptions at One Pharmacy

You might have already done this but consider making sure all your senior’s prescriptions are at one pharmacy. The different pharmacies all “talk” to each other electronically, but when all of your senior’s prescriptions are in one place it’s easier to spot possible contraindications and interactions that are wise to avoid.


Look into Lifestyle Changes that Can Support Good Mental Health

Even with medication, there are lifestyle changes that can help to support your senior’s mental health. Things like eating healthy foods, getting better quality sleep, and exercising within her doctor’s guidelines are all important things to try. Some of them add more steps into your senior’s day than she might be willing or able to cope with just yet, though. That’s when bringing in-home care providers can take some of that load off your senior’s shoulders.


Do All that You Can to Alleviate Stress

Reducing stress for your senior is also helpful in keeping her mentally healthy. If there are tasks or chores that you can take over for her, that might be a way to help her to experience less stress and frustration. As much as you want to, you’re not going to be able to take all your senior’s stress away, but you can reduce it by a lot.

Talk to your senior about what else she would find helpful from you when managing her mental health. It’s far more important that you’re meeting her actual needs at the moment if you can.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Homecare in Avon, IN, please call the caring staff at Home Services Unlimited. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance: (317) 471-0760

Etelka Froymovich, RN, MHA
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