Four Benefits of Tai Chi for Your Senior

Is your senior ready to start being more physically active?

If her doctor agrees that more physical activity would be a good idea for her, then tai chi might be a perfect answer for her senior health. It’s not a complicated series of exercises, but your elderly family member can get some tremendous benefits from learning and practicing tai chi on a regular basis.


Senior Care in Southport IN: Benefits of Tai Chi

Senior Care in Southport IN: Benefits of Tai Chi


Tai Chi Helps with Breathing

Tai chi is a slow, standing exercise that involves moving from one form or position to another. There’s a big focus on breathing, which is excellent for people who have lung issues. The breathing portion of tai chi often focuses on deep breathing, which can also help with issues related to stress and anxiety. Often people aren’t aware when they’re breathing shallowly, so tai chi can also help your elderly family member to learn to recognize how she’s breathing.


Tai Chi Is a Form of Moving Meditation

Because tai chi is a slow, constant movement, it becomes meditative for many people. Your elderly family member may find that she’s able to calm the chaos in her mind and just flow with the motions of her body. If your elderly family member is dealing with a variety of different mental health challenges, whether those are related to anxiety, depression, or other issues, she may find tai chi to be extremely helpful for her senior health.


It Can Help with Arthritis

Tai chi involves balance, but also flexibility. The movements are extremely low impact, and even though your senior is standing, she’s not putting undue stress on her joints. Keeping herself moving can be very helpful for arthritis because the movements help to lubricate her joints, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the muscles around her joints.


Tai Chi Is Often Very Social, Too

Most people take tai chi classes in a group setting, which makes this a very social type of exercise. But even if your elderly family member is doing tai chi at home, she may feel connected because of the meditative aspects of the exercise. There are usually tai chi classes available just about anywhere, so it’s worth exploring what options are available near your senior.

If your elderly family member is unsteady on her feet, she may want to have someone around to help with spotting her if she’s new to tai chi. Working with home care providers is a great way to ensure that your elderly family member isn’t alone and that she’s got the help she needs when she needs it most.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Senior Care in Southport, IN, please call the caring staff at Home Services Unlimited. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance: (317) 471-0760

Etelka Froymovich, RN, MHA
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