Four Reasons Routines Are Important for People with Dementia

You might feel as if setting up a routine for your senior is too complicated or is something that she wouldn’t enjoy, especially if she has dementia. But in reality, people with dementia tend to do better with a strong set of daily routines.


Home Care in Southport IN: Routines Are Important

Home Care in Southport IN: Routines Are Important


Routines Offer a Structure to Her Day

If you’ve ever experienced vacation days where you didn’t know what to do with yourself, you might have an idea why having structure for your senior could help her. Days without a plan or a routine can start to run into each other and even become confusing. When your senior knows what to expect from each day, that can be soothing in and of itself.


They Keep Her Engaged and Using Her Brain

When you’ve got solid routines in place for your senior, her brain has something to do. You’re going to fill that routine, so the activities that you include helps her brain to stay engaged. Even the fact that you’re setting up a schedule of sorts for her works her brain a bit. This is all good news, because it may help to slow down the progression of dementia. Even just a little bit helps.


Routines Give Her a Sense of Purpose

Whether your senior is in the earliest stages of dementia or in the later ones, there’s a part of her that knows what is happening. This is part of why many aging adults with dementia develop depression and other mental health issues. If you’ve got routines that work for your senior, that can help her to feel as if what she’s doing has at least some meaning, and that’s important.


The Right Routines Can Help Keep Challenging Behaviors in Check

Part of why challenging behaviors show up at all is because your elderly family member is dealing with a lot. She has emotions about what’s happening, but she may not be able to articulate them in a way that makes sense to you. So, those emotions get expressed through wandering or repetitive actions. When your senior’s routines are supporting her, she’s less likely to feel frustrated, anxious, and upset, and those behaviors aren’t as necessary as a form of communication.

Working through your senior’s routines can be difficult at first. It might even help to work with elder care providers. They can help with finding engaging activities and even make it possible for you to be able to take respite time for yourself.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Care in Southport, IN, please call the caring staff at Home Services Unlimited. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance: (317) 471-0760

Etelka Froymovich, RN, MHA
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